Julie has been in the dental field for 25 years. Born and raised in England until she moved to Paris for a year, she settled permanently in the states at the age of 13. She's been with Glazer Dental Associates since 2013 and before that managed a dental office in New Haven for 18 years.
Julie lives in Rockfall for over 20 years with her husband, Christopher and her twin boys who attended RSD13. She was a board member at Durham Middlefield Youth and Family Services and volunteers at their Apple Crisp booth every year at the fair while her husband, a magician, runs the Kid's Place. She spends her free time with her family which also includes 5 cats, 2 dogs and a frog named Froggy! She vacations with her family every year at a quaint seaside village in Southern Maine, where the goal is to eat lobster every day and watch the sun rise.